Category: Cataspanglish

Speaking at #insafe2015


Last week I did two workshops for the insafe training meeting in Warsaw (photo above taken from venue).

Insafe training meetings provide an opportunity for members of the network of European Safer Internet Centres (awareness raising, helplines and youth participation) to come together to discuss the latest trends in online safety issues, and share experiences and best practice examples of empowering children and young people to stay safe online.

My 2 sessions were:

I’ve been hacked”
Hacking, social engineering & pervasive algorithms

But have you actually been hacked? Or have you been socially engineered?
This workshop will explore the differences and similarities between the two and also look at how we may think we have agency in our decisions but often pervasive algorithms are determining what we can and can’t do.

We Can Haz ALL your information
Wearables, IoT and Big Data

As even more of our data is going to be made available through wearables and the “Internet of Things”, this workshop will look at the risks and realities behind the hype.

When the economy becomes collaborative

Cross-posted from the P2P Foundation blog, the official release of the report we’ve been working on:

The P2P Foundation is pleased to repost below the official post from Orange announcing “The report “Synthetic overview of the collaborative economy”, coproduced by Orange Labs and the P2P Foundation”.

During this month we will be serialising the report here on the blog, or you can download it immediately!


when the economy becomes collaborative


Exchanging houses during vacation time, sharing car with strangers, designing a lamp for one’s own living room in a FabLab, proposing a packaging design for a favorite brand, inventing a solution to help a company innovate, writing a article in wikipedia or a hotel review in a tourism site, ordering with neighbors organic vegetables… collaborative practices between individuals or between individuals and businesses are multiplying around us.

Equipped with Internet and the Web, strangers can interact, share, and cooperate at distance, consequently opening new development perspectives for our patterns of consumption, production and creation.
Therefore companies are invited to revisit their methods of organization, the way they innovate, their customer relationship as their clients become actors, as well as their models for sharing value.
Orange, as a major player in the information economy, is interested in these emerging transformations, which constitute both challenges and opportunities.

The report “Synthetic overview of the collaborative economy“, coproduced by Orange Labs and the P2P Foundation, provides a thorough mapping of the actors involved in this cooperative economy: for the first time, nearly all the dots of the emerging collaborative economy, and their inter-relation, are presented in a single overview.

P2P Foundation: Researching, Documenting and Promoting Peer to Peer Practices

The P2P Foundation is a non-profit organization, a knowledge commons and a global community of researchers and advocates that monitors the emergence of peer to peer dynamics in every field of society and human activity. Peer production, governance, and property models that are characterized by open access, participatory process of governance, and property formats that guarantee universal access are monitored. The aims of the P2P Foundation is to act as a global community of researchers, focused on understanding phenomena such as open innovation, co-creation and co-design, crowd-sourcing and crowd-funding. Of particular interest is the intersection between the newly enabled ‘horizontal’ social processes, with the pre-existing, more ‘vertically’ oriented institutions, such as corporations and governments.  In our research collection we have particularly focused on the sustainability of open practices, i.e. on open business models.

media140 Frontiers



media140 nos invitó a participar en su evento media140 frontiers que se celebrará en Barcelona durante el 13 y 14 de abril para organizar un espacio  + info


media140 ens va convidar a participar en el seu esdeveniment media140 frontiers que se celebrarà a Barcelona durant el 13 i 14 d’abril per organitzar un espai + info


media140 invited us to participate in their media140 frontiers event in Barcelona on April 13/14 by programming & running one of the rooms + info

Barcelona Social Media Surgery



One of the workshops at PodCamp Barcelona will be a social media surgery. This is a format we have wanted to bring to Spain for a long time, but until now we haven’t had critical mass. After PodCamp we’ll continue doing the surgery on a monthly basis.


Uno de los talleres de PodCamp Barcelona será un quirófano de social media. Este es un formato que ya hace tiempo queríamos hacer en España, pero hasta ahora no había masa crítica sifuciente. Después de PodCamp seguiremos “operando” una vez al mes.


Un dels tallers de PodCamp Barcelona serà un quiròfan de social media. Aquest és un format que ja fa temps que volíem fer a Espanya, però fins ara no hi havia massa crítica suficient. Després de PodCamp seguirem “operant” un cop al mes


PodCamp Barcelona 2010

And we're back…


PodCamp Barcelona 2010 will take place in El Masnou from September 13 to September 18th. Yes, that’s right, five days of PodCamp Barcelona  — because this year we have a new venue, a new format and a theme: community.



PodCamp Barcelona 2010 se celebrará en El Masnou del 13 al 18 de septiembre. Sí, si, esto es correcto, cinco días de PodCamp Barcelona porque este año tenemos un nuevo local: Els Vienesos; nuevo formato: Talleres y presentaciones, y tema: Comunidad.



PodCamp Barcelona 2010 tindrà lloc a El Masnou del 13 al 18 de setembre. Si, si, correcte, cinc dies de PodCamp Barcelona perquè aquest any tenim local nou: Els Vienesos; nou format: Tallers i presentacions, i tema: Comunitat.




GobCamp is a local government unconference for workers in the Spanish public administration and anyone else interested in the topic. Many people want the public administration to change, to become an open, agile, dynamic, transparent, collaborative, participatory organisation; an admistration close to the citizen which is a bank of shared knowledge with a horizontal structure. The main aim of GobCamp Spain is to bring together all those who are working towards change in local government to discuss what they are doing. Society is changing and both citizens and workers in local government are going to demand change, local authority must respond to this demand. GobCamp will explore how that change can happen.


GobCamp es una AAPP Unconference, para todos los trabajadores de la administración pública española y las personas interesadas en ella. Porque somos muchos que queremos que la administración pública haga un cambio, que se convierta en una administración abierta, ágil, dinámica, transparente, colaboradora, participativa, próxima al ciudadano, que sea un banco de conocimiento compartido y con una estructura horizontal. El objetivo principal es reunir a todas las personas que estamos intentando que las cosas tomen otra dirección en la administración, para debatir y reflexionar sobre las actuaciones que se están llevando a cabo. El cambio social está ahí, el ciudadano y el trabajador lo van a hacer posible, lo van a exigir y la AAPP no podrá ignorarlo, deberá adaptarse. GobCamp explorará como este cambio puede llevarse a cabo.


GobCamp és una AAPP Unconference, per a tots els treballadors de l’administració pública espanyola i les persones interessades en ella. Perquè som molts que volem que l’administració pública faci un canvi, que es converteixi en una administració oberta, àgil, dinàmica, transparent, col·laboradora, participativa, pròxima al ciutadà, que sigui un banc de coneixement compartit i amb una estructura horitzontal. L’objectiu principal és reunir a totes les persones que estem intentant que les coses prenguin una altra direcció a l’administració, per debatre i reflexionar sobre les actuacions que s’estan duent a terme. El canvi social està aquí, el ciutadà i el treballador el faran possible, l’exigiran i l’AAPP no podrà ignorar-ho, haurà d’adaptar-se. GobCamp explorarà com aquest canvi pot fer-se.

PodCamp Barcelona 2009 event hashtag #PBCN09


Back by popular demand – PodCamp Barcelona '09 sees us joining forces with Ernest Suñé and his team at the council of El Masnou again for a new, improved PodCamp. PodCamp Barcelona'09, 19/09/2009, El Masnou, Barcelona


Segunda edición de PodCamp Barcelona, repetimos con las mismas ganas e ilusión del año pasado, con más experiencia, y con algunos aspectos mejorados. Esta edición durará una sola jornada. Otra vez juntamos nuestras fuerzas con el Ayuntamiento de El Masnou, Ernest Suñé y su equipo colaboran en la organización. PodCamp Barcelona'09, 19/09/2009, El Masnou, Barcelona


Segona edició de PodCamp Barcelona, repetim amb les mateixes ganes i il.lusió de l'any passat, amb més experiència i amb alguns aspectes millorats. Aquesta edició durarà una sola jornada. Un altre cop juntem les nostres forces amb l'Ajuntament d'El Masnou, l'Ernest Suñé i el seu equip col.laboren en l'organització. PodCamp Barcelona'09, 19/09/2009, El Masnou, Barcelona

Barcelona Girl Geek Dinners


In most of the events, workshops, seminars, meetings etc. related to Internet that we’ve attended, the majority of the speakers and public have been men. A little depressed by the low female presence, Ana began to think about organising an event where the majority of participants and organisers are women and then she found Girl Geek Dinners. She thought it would be interesting, fun and positive to get together from time to time to share experiences at Barcelona Girl Geek Dinners with some good food, wine and company.


En casi todos los actos, seminarios, talleres, reuniones, etc. que hemos asistido relacionados con Internet la mayoría de los asistentes y ponentes son hombres. Un poco decepcionada por la baja presencia femenina, Ana empezó a darle vueltas a la idea de organizar algo donde la mayoría de asistentes, participantes y organizadoras sean mujeres; descubrió Girl Geek Dinners y por eso propone reunirnos de tanto en tanto para compartir nuestras experiencias en buena compañía, con buena comida y buen vino, en el Barcelona Girl Geek Dinners


A gaire bé tots els actes, seminaris, tallers, reunions, etc. que hem assistit relacionats amb Internet la majoria dels assistents i ponents són homes. Una mica dessabuda per la baixa presència femenina, l'Ana va començar a donar-li voltes a la idea d’organitzar alguna cosa on la majoria d’assistents, participants i organitzadores siguin dones; va descobrí Girl Geek Dinners i és per això que proposa reunir-nos de tant en tant per compartir les nostres experiències en bona companyia, amb bon menjar i bon vi, al Barcelona Girl Geek Dinners