(Making a) Living on the Edge

So, been quite a while since posting here, that’s what moving to a new city/country will do to you…

Right now I’m doing a gig for Edgeryders which is a joint project of the Council of Europe and the European Commission, led by the Social Cohesion Research and Early Warning Division at the Council of Europe. I’m investigating how people make a living on the edge, or if they do at all – very pertinent (and personal). Here’s what I’m working on:

How can people make a living on the edge as technologies change quicker than regulations and new business models disrupt old standards? While young (and not so young) people are defining a new society through their networked interactions and processes, often the obstacles to their ability to make a living are bureaucratic or outdated ways of doing.

I started off by interviewing Pete Ashton, somebody who who has been creating his own way of making a living for some time now, making it up as he goes along, and along the way coming up with Created in Birmingham and Social Media Surgeries among many other things.

Here’s the first video – head over to Edgeryders for the rest and to read an exhaustive write-up of our conversation. Pete blogged about the experience here.

In other news, I’m moving lots of our other sites to different servers, so you may not find some stuff where it should be here for a while…

2 comments for “(Making a) Living on the Edge

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