Tag: generalitat de catalunya

Open Data Day Barcelona


The cool cats over at http://opendatabcn.org/ are putting together the Open Data Day Barcelona as part of the International Open Data Hackathon 2011. Their first contribution has been to translate the open call by event founder David Eaves to Catalan and Spanish. Last year they got the event together in no time at all and even though (like this year) it clashed with one of the many extended bank holidays in Spain, some of the most dedicated #opendata peeps in Barcelona showed up. Hopefully this year, with the call being far earlier, there'll be a bigger turnout and hopefully some "official" particpation from all these spanking new Open Data projects of Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat – it will be great if these peeps take the opportunity to get down & dirty with some citizen hackers for a change.

Here's an interview I recorded with @codehead form the Open Data Day Barcelona team for Kfé Innovación, where he talks about the importance of open data (in Spanish):


Writing this on the iPhone on the way back to Lleida from the Jornada Euroecom organized by ACC1Ó, a new initiative by the Generalitat to promote innovation in business.
The event was aptly summed up by a question after one of the speeches when somebody asked for advice about a start-up instead of all the examples given about big companies. As usual the structure of the event was old school while talking about innovation and web 2.0. ACC1Ó should realize that events have to be 2.0 as well. The speakers had a wealth of experience, but the format was that of “experts” dispensing knowledge instead of getting down & dirty…

See The Plate is Hot for a rundown on the event by Ricard Espelt (in Catalan).

See L’Anella on Twitter