CryptoParty Lux 3


The event aims to gather people from the Greater Region SaarLorLux and will be held in English, French, German and, of course, Luxembourgish!

Privacy is a fundamental human right. It is recognized in many countries to be as central to individual human dignity and social values as Freedom of Association and Freedom of Speech. Simply put, privacy is the border where we draw a line between how far a society can intrude into our personal lives.
From Why Privacy Matters of the CryptoPartyHandbook

Make sure everyone learns something, sharing knowledge and empowering people to protect their privacy in the digital domain.
It is very important that you leave the CryptoParty with tools you can use on a daily basis, and explain to your friends how to do it too. All the attendees should come with device(s) where they want to install tools.

The Luxembourg CryptoParties are intended for everyone; no prior technical expertise or knowledge is assumed. Crypto geeks please come along and help us out!

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