Tag: Marga Ojeda

Kfé Innovación #kfe03 City projects


Kfé Innovación #kfe03 from chris pinchen on Vimeo.


Forgot to mention in the video that people who can't be in any of the venues today can still participate via twitter and chat

Kfé Innovación

Kfé Innovación Facebook discussions


NetworkedCity is a new project we're working on but the sites aren't really ready yet – watch this space


BCN Networked City


Previous posts about Kfé Innovación

Kfé Innovación – Let’s Go!

Tomorrow I'm off to the freezing cold city that is Sevilla to facilitate a session in the Kfé Innovación/Innovation Cafe. I'll be riffing on new paradigms, disruptive technology, the creation of memory and the destruction of heirachies. Or something like that. Here's an inteview I did with @margaojeda which introduces the gig (in Spanish). It's going to be hotter than hell so I'm gonna need me to get me some cooool tapas 😉

