Tag: Kfé Innovación

Open Data Day Barcelona


The cool cats over at http://opendatabcn.org/ are putting together the Open Data Day Barcelona as part of the International Open Data Hackathon 2011. Their first contribution has been to translate the open call by event founder David Eaves to Catalan and Spanish. Last year they got the event together in no time at all and even though (like this year) it clashed with one of the many extended bank holidays in Spain, some of the most dedicated #opendata peeps in Barcelona showed up. Hopefully this year, with the call being far earlier, there'll be a bigger turnout and hopefully some "official" particpation from all these spanking new Open Data projects of Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat – it will be great if these peeps take the opportunity to get down & dirty with some citizen hackers for a change.

Here's an interview I recorded with @codehead form the Open Data Day Barcelona team for Kfé Innovación, where he talks about the importance of open data (in Spanish):

PodCamp Barcelona update




Tal vez sea por la época del año pero, últimamente, ha habido un gran interés por si se organizará o no PodCamp Barcelona 2011.

A continuación nuestras reflexiones:

PodCamp Barcelona 2008 se organizó, sobre todo, porque hacíamos podcasting y pensábamos que sería muy interesante ir a un evento relacionado con ese tema. Al no encontrar ninguno lo suficientemente cerca como para poder ir, decidimos organizar uno nosotros. En ese momento había muy pocos eventos en torno a los llamados "nuevos medios", "web 2.0" o "medios sociales" pero ahora hay un montón de ellos. 

Hay una tendencia a hacer eventos "Porque toca" y es algo con lo que estamos profundamente en desacuerdo. Organizar eventos con el mismo formato y con los mismos temas una vez más, no le vemos el sentido. Teniendo en cuenta lo sucedido en las #acampadas, las ocupaciones y la reutilización del espacio público en España y otros lugares durante este año, creemos que un PodCamp es bastante redundante.

Reconocemos que los eventos son importantes para las comunidades y uno de los objetivos iniciales de PodCamp Barcelona (junto con el Barcelona Social Media Café) era crear comunidad. Sin embargo, con el uso extendido del social media y las herramientas "web 2.0", la gente se ha centrado en comunidades específicas como periodismo, gastronomía y vino, open data, open gov, marketing,  etc.

Estamos orgullosos que cada PodCamp Barcelona ha sido diferente. Hubiese sido fácil y sinceramente aburrido, repetir el mismo evento cada año, pero tuvimos la suerte que la comunidad estaba inspirada y añadió ideas y acciones, por ejemplo la contribución espontánea de @Moof  con @PBCNTweetlation en el 2009 y su posterior desarrollo en 2010 por @Moof y @pdavenne es un brillante ejemplo que dio una nueva dimensión. En la última edición hubo menos presentaciones y como novedad se organizaron talleres durante una semana,  creando espacios para proyectos como el nuevo enfoque de Kfé Innovación que se está extendiendo por todo el mundo.

Además ya no vivimos en Barcelona ni cerca de ella. Andamos por el norte de Europa: nueva vida y nuevos proyectos. ¿Significa esto que nunca vamos a organizar otro PodCamp Barcelona? No lo sabemos. ¿Significa que no vamos organizar nada más en Barcelona? Pensamos que sí. Pero no vamos a organizar PodCamp Barcelona 2011.

Así que gracias a todos los que habéis preguntado, y gracias a todo el mundo que ha participado en PodCamp Barcelona desde 2008. Son los participantes que hacen que cualquier evento sea un éxito y si la gente ha estado preguntando acerca de PodCamp Barcelona 2011, entonces parece que sí ha sido un éxito 😉



Potser sigui per l'època de l'any però, últimament, ha hagut un gran interès per si s'organitzarà o no PodCamp Barcelona 2011.

A continuació les nostres reflexions:

PodCamp Barcelona 2008 es va organitzar, sobretot, perquè fèiem podcasting i pensàvem que seria molt interessant anar a un esdeveniment relacionat amb aquest tema. Al no trobar cap a prop com per poder anar-hi, vam decidir organitzar un nosaltres. En aqueix moment hi havia molt pocs esdeveniments entorn dels anomenats "nous mitjans", "web 2.0" o "mitjans socials" però ara hi ha un munt. 

Hi ha una tendència a fer esdeveniments "Perquè toca" i és una cosa amb el que estem profundament en desacord. Organitzar esdeveniments amb el mateix format i amb els mateixos temes una vegada més, no li veiem el sentit. Tenint en compte el succeït a les #acampades, les ocupacions i la reutilització de l'espai públic a Espanya i altres llocs durant aquest any, creiem que un PodCamp és bastant redundant.

Reconeixem que les trobades són importants per a les comunitats i un dels objectius inicials de PodCamp Barcelona (juntament amb el Barcelona Social Media Cafè) era crear comunitat. No obstant, amb l'ús estès del social media i les eines "web 2.0", la gent s'ha centrat en comunitats específiques com periodisme, gastronomia i vi, open data, open gov, marqueting, etc.

Estem orgullosos que cada PodCamp Barcelona ha estat diferent. Hagués estat fàcil i sincerament avorrit, repetir el mateix esdeveniment cada any, però vam tenir la sort que la comunitat estava inspirada i va afegir idees i accions, per exemple la contribució espontània de @Moof amb @PBCNTweetlation al 2009 i el seu posterior desenvolupament al 2010 per @Moof i @pdavenne és un brillant exemple que va donar una nova dimensió. A l'última edició va haver-hi menys presentacions i com a novetat es van organitzar tallers durant una setmana, creant espais per a projectes com el nou enfocament de Kfé Innovación que s'està estenent per tot el món.

A més ja no vivim a Barcelona ni prop d'ella. Caminem pel nord d'Europa: nova vida i nous projectes. Significa això que mai organitzarem un altre PodCamp Barcelona? No ho sabem. Significa que no organitzarem res més a Barcelona? Pensem que sí. Però no organitzarem un PodCamp Barcelona 2011.

Així que gràcies a tots els que heu preguntat, i gràcies a tothom que ha participat a PodCamp Barcelona des del 2008. Són els participants que fan que qualsevol esdeveniment sigui un èxit i si la gent ha estat preguntant sobre PodCamp Barcelona 2011, sembla que sí ha estat un èxit 😉



Maybe it's just the time of the year, but there's been a lot of interest recently in whether there will be a PodCamp Barcelona 2011.

So here's our thoughts on the subject:

When we began PodCamp Barcelona in 2008 it was primarily because we were doing podcasting and thought it would be really interesting to go to such an event. As we couldn't find any close enough to get to, we decided to do it ourselves. At that time there were very few events around the so-called "new media", "web 2.0" or "social media" but now there are plenty of them.

There is a tendancy to do events "porque toca" (because it's now a ritual) which is something we profoundly disagree with. If there's nothing new or interesting to do or say, if it just the same format and speakers refritos we don't see the point. In the light of the #acampadas, the occupations and reuse of public space in Spain and other places this year, we feel that a PodCamp is pretty redundant.

We recognise that events are important to communities and one of the initial aims of PodCamp Barcelona (along with the Barcelona Social Media Café) was to create community. However as the use of social media and "web 2.0" tools has spread, peeps have become more focussed on specific communities such as journalists, food & wine, open data, open gov, marketing etc.

That each PodCamp Barcelona was different is something we are proud of. It would have been easy, and frankly boring, to repeat the same event every year – but we were lucky that peeps were inspired and added considerably to the mix. The spontaneous contribution by @Moof of @PBCNTweetlation in 2009 and the subsequent development of it in 2010 by @Moof and @pdavenne is a brilliant example which gave a new dimension. Last year we added workshops and cut down on presentations which led in part to the development of a new iteration of Kfé Innovación which is now spreading around the world.

The other thing is that we no longer live in or near to Barcelona. Right now we're off in northern Europe sorting out our next destination. Does this mean we'll never do another PodCamp Barcelona? We don't know. Does it mean we'll never do anything else in Barcelona? We doubt that. But we won't be doing PodCamp Barcelona 2011.

So thanks to everybody who has been asking, and thanks to everyone who has participated in PodCamp Barcelona since 2008. It's the participants who make any event a success and if people have been asking about PodCamp Barcelona 2011, then we think we can qualify it as that 😉

Ana & Chris

Kfé Innovación #kfe03 City projects


Kfé Innovación #kfe03 from chris pinchen on Vimeo.


Forgot to mention in the video that people who can't be in any of the venues today can still participate via twitter and chat

Kfé Innovación

Kfé Innovación Facebook discussions


NetworkedCity is a new project we're working on but the sites aren't really ready yet – watch this space


BCN Networked City


Previous posts about Kfé Innovación

Kfé Innovación interviews: Peter Corbett

The folks over at Kfé Innovación asked me to do some interviews for them with movers, shakers & innovators, so here's the first one with Peter Corbett, CEO of iStrategyLabs and founder of Apps For Democracy. The post over on the Kfé Innovación site has a transcript in English and links to a Spanish translation – check it out here.

Coming up soon in the serie: Codehead, Frank Kresin, Chris Ward and many more…

Kfé Innovación – Let’s Go!

Tomorrow I'm off to the freezing cold city that is Sevilla to facilitate a session in the Kfé Innovación/Innovation Cafe. I'll be riffing on new paradigms, disruptive technology, the creation of memory and the destruction of heirachies. Or something like that. Here's an inteview I did with @margaojeda which introduces the gig (in Spanish). It's going to be hotter than hell so I'm gonna need me to get me some cooool tapas 😉



Kfé Innovación – Innovation Café


Ana's off to Seville today to take part in the first Kfé Innovación .

The idea of the café is to get some "experts" to sit down with a maximum of 10 interested people from business, education and the public sector and have a real particatory discussion about what innovation means to them and how they can use creative ideas in future projects. The event is organised by Kpacita a  Seville and Catalonia based company who want to rethink "conventional" wisdom both for themselves & their clients.

Over coffee Ana will be facilitating the 3 hour session today on the concept of innovation and how the internet can be the perfect stage for social & business development (Kfé Innovación blog post – in Spanish). On June 9th our mate Enric Senabre will introduce a discussion on social networks and knowledge networks, and on June 23rd, I'll be getting plenty of tapas provoking everyone about online contacts, social networks and the crossover IRL (In Real Life).

It'll be interesting to see how the format works and hopefully the typical event of experts and public will be replaced by collaborative thinking and a lot of crowdsourced, practical conclusions. Hats off to Kpacita for taking the risk and hopefully the Seville experts can guarantee me some excellent tapas…

The hashtag for the series of Innovation Cafés is #kfesev

pdf pack (in Spanish)