Tag: El Masnou

PodCamp Barcelona 2010

els vienesos

Well it's hot and sticky in Barcelona & while the country is closed, we're busy preparing PodCamp Barcelona 2010 – the post below is cross-posted from the PodCamp Barcelona site:

PodCamp Barcelona 2010 will take place in El Masnou from September 13 to September 18th. Yes, that's right, five days of PodCamp Barcelona  — because this year we have a new venue, a new format and a theme: community. PodCamp Barcelona has always been about community — in fact, the original idea of the event was to create a community out of the various people and projects using what could loosely be termed "web 2.0". But this year, the theme is going to be more explicit and for this reason we have decided to change the format.

So what's going to happen in El Masnou from September 13 to September 18?

From Monday, September 13 to Thursday, September 16 there will be workshops every evening. The idea of these workshops is to give back to the people of Masnou through our knowledge. If you want to run a workshop at PodCamp Barcelona, please contact us.

Friday and Saturday will be different however. Friday evening will see two sessions and a wine tasting. Saturday will have four sessions in the morning and after lunch, a sobremesa where each table will be able to discuss, provide ideas and conclusions about each of the six community sessions. The idea is to get everybody to participate whether they are presenting or not, and to crowd source ideas to further develop the six communities presented. Of course, there will be another winetasting after the sobremesa session, and possibly a concert by musicians who use social media in their work. If you wish to lead a community session please contact us.

The conclusions from the community sessions will be filmed and put on the TalkingAbout platform where the debate can continue.

There will also be a Speaker's Corner where anybody will be able to present any project they want. The presentations at Speaker's Corner will also be filmed and posted online. If you want to present in Speaker's Corner please contact us.

All of this will take place as in a brand new building in El Masnou, Els Vienesos, gracias once again to the fantastic participation of El Masnou council in PodCamp Barcelona. We hope that PodCamp Barcelona 2010 will enable more people to participate in the debate and lead to practical conclusions for ongoing community activity.

Oh yes, and one more thing: this year there are two new members in the PodCamp Barcelona team – welcome aboard @pdavenne and @moof Bring it on!

PodCamp Barcelona 2010

And we're back…


PodCamp Barcelona 2010 will take place in El Masnou from September 13 to September 18th. Yes, that’s right, five days of PodCamp Barcelona  — because this year we have a new venue, a new format and a theme: community.



PodCamp Barcelona 2010 se celebrará en El Masnou del 13 al 18 de septiembre. Sí, si, esto es correcto, cinco días de PodCamp Barcelona porque este año tenemos un nuevo local: Els Vienesos; nuevo formato: Talleres y presentaciones, y tema: Comunidad.



PodCamp Barcelona 2010 tindrà lloc a El Masnou del 13 al 18 de setembre. Si, si, correcte, cinc dies de PodCamp Barcelona perquè aquest any tenim local nou: Els Vienesos; nou format: Tallers i presentacions, i tema: Comunitat.


PodCamp Gives Back


(image taken from the presentation "Citilab Model?" by Ramon Sangúesa at I+C+i at CCCB, Barcelona)

So it's pretty late and I'm thinking and watching the world go by on twitter and for some reason PodCamp Barcelona comes to mind. And I've got this idea that all of these incredibly talented, smart, creative, knowledgeable people coming together and sharing is great and that we are creating knowledge and social value with our peers, but it occurs to me that we should take it further. We still have to take an "official" decision about PodCamp Barcelona 2010, but as Cataspanglish we know we want to hold it in El Masnou. So what I'm thinking is that we should give back to the citizens of Masnou who have supported the PodCamp for two years. If all the people who participate in PodCamp are willing I would like to do some concrete things leading up the event itself, Birmingham style Social Media Surgeries, Podcasting workshops, mashup sessions, whatever. Let's share the knowledge and skills we have with the people who are giving us the opportunity to get together – what do you think? Are you in for giving back?

PodCamp Barcelona 2008



We were doing the slow spain podcast and working on Montse Guitar Sessions and wanted to attend a PodCamp. As there wasn't one in Spain we decided to hold one one ourselves and so PodCamp Barcelona, the first PodCamp in the south of Europe, as well as the first trilingual PodCamp anywhere was born. After contacting various spaces to hold the event under the right conditions (free entry, free wifi), our peep Alex suggested we approach the council of El Masnou. Fortunately they saw potential in the project and we developed it with them, working alongside the Councillor for New Technologies Ernest Suñé and his team. The response was fantastic, both from the local emerging social media scene as well as internationally known podcasters & bloggers. PodCamp Barcelona took place the weekend of September 26-28, 2008 in El Masnou, Barcelona.


Estábamos haciendo slow spain podcast y Montse Guitar Sessions y queríamos asistir a un PodCamp. Descubrimos que en España no había ninguno y por eso decidimos organizar uno nosotros mismos, así nació PodCamp Barcelona, el primer PodCamp en el sur de Europa, y el primer PodCamp trilingüe. Después de contactar con diversas entidades buscando un lugar que cumpliera con unos requisitos mínimos (entrada y wifi gratis), nuestro amigo Alex nos sugirió contactar con el Ayuntamiento de El Masnou. Afortunadamente vieron el potencial del proyecto y lo pudimos desarrollar con ellos, trabajando con el regidor de Nuevas Tecnologías Ernest Suñé y su equipo. La respuesta fue fantástica, tanto por parte del emergente mundo social media catalán y español, como por parte de reconocidos podcasters y bloggers internacionales. PodCamp Barcelona se celebró del 26 al 28 de septiembre de 2008, en El Masnou, Barcelona.


Estàvem fent slow spain podcastt i Montse Guitar Sessions i volíem assistir a un PodCamp. Vam descobrir que a Espanya no hi havia cap i per això vam decidir organitzar un nosaltres mateixos, així va néixer PodCamp Barcelona, el primer PodCamp al sud d'Europa, i el primer PodCamp trilingüe. Després de contactar amb diverses entitats buscant un lloc que complís amb uns requisits mínims (entrada i wifi gratis), el nostre amic l'Alex ens va suggerir contactar amb l'Ajuntament del Masnou. Afortunadament van veure el potencial del projecte i ho vam poder desenvolupar amb ells, treballant amb el regidor de Noves Tecnologies l'Ernest Suñé i el seu equip. La resposta va ser fantàstica, tant per part de l'emergent món social media català i espanyol, com per part de reconeguts podcasters i bloggers internacionals. PodCamp Barcelona es va celebrar del 26 al 28 de setembre de 2008, a El Masnou, Barcelona

PodCamp Barcelona

Recently it’s been pretty quiet round here, well, this is what we’ve been working on:

PodCamp Barcelona

Ja tenim lloc i data: El Masnou del 26 al 28 de setembre de 2008. L’Ajuntament d’El Masnou ens ha cedit un espai on celebrar la PodCamp. Ens uns dies podrem donar l’adreça de l’espai.

Ya tenemos lugar y fecha: El Masnou del 26 al 28 de septiembre de 2008. El Ayuntamiento de El Masnou nos ha cedido un espacio donde celebrar la PodCamp. En unos días podremos dar la dirección del espacio.

PodCamp Barcelona will take place 26-28 September in El Masnou, a coastal town 20 minutes from the centre of Barcelona. The council of El Masnou have donated us space to hold the event. In a few days we will have more details.