Tag: Cover It live

Adam Greenfield, Handheld Learning, Urban Labs & more…


This morning I finished reading Everyware: The Dawning Age of Ubiquitous Computing – a remarkable, beautifully written explanation and call to participation of a new world on our doorsteps byAdam Greenfield. I’ve just read on Adam’s blog that he will be in Madrid at VISUALIZAR’08: DATABASE CITY Go and see him if you can. 

The Handheld Learning conference took place in London this week and although we weren’t able to go, I discovered via their Twitter tweets that it was possible to follow a lot of the presentations through a “live” blog hosted at Cover It Live. As it was a blog format, “readers” could ask questions and add comments. It was the next best thing to being there. 

The UrbanLabs page is being continuously updated with media from the event and links for future collaboration – keep up to date here